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First Robotics Open House and Panel

On November 19, team 4810 hosted the First Robotics Open House in partnership with the Macomb Economic Planning and Development department along with the MISD. The event served as a way to inform the companies of Macomb County about First Robotics and encourage sponsorships, participation, and team involvement. Overall, ten FRC teams came to the event: The ThunderChickens, Steel Armadillos, Crevolution, Byting Bulldogs, The Blue Devils, I.AM.Robot, Electro Panthers, Cyberstangs, Broken Drill Bits and Error 404. Each team had a table with two to three team representatives who gave businesses information on their team as they visited them. Additionally, each team brought their robot to further showcase to businesses. Furthermore, I.AM.Robot and The Blue Devils both held a robot demonstration where they showed businesses and parents different aspects of the 2018 Power Up Competition. Behind the scenes, the I.AM.Robot Business team orchestrated the entirety of the Open House. They frequently met with members of the Macomb Economic Planning and Development department each week and constantly planned the event at team and sub-team meetings. Ultimately, the team was able to show off FRC in Macomb to local business and jumpstart FRC involvement within the county.


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